Yesterday was a ballet night. Beneath the Dancing Sky included Cornered by Niccolo Fonte, workwithinwork by William Forsythe, and Minus 7 by Ohad Naharin.

  • In Cornered I kept watching interesting shadows and largely missed the actual dancing - my compliments (?)  to Michael Mazzola.
  • Most noteworthy in workwithinwork was that my neck started to ache with stiffness.
  • Minus 7 was entertaining. The review in Helsingin Sanomat had said that the opening night public got up and started to dance at the end. The fourth night public did not, although there was much chuckling and rhythmic clapping during the performance. I was not infected, and when the dancers went to fetch people from the audience to dance on the stage I got immediately suspicious - with or without reason. I would have liked to have seen more of the deeper aspects behind the comical effects. Still, it was the best of the three performances.

Passing City Garden a desire to have someone walk home with me on such a lovely spring evening passed through me lightly.